Recognizing a deep and growing need throughout the United States, the Awakenings Treatment Center offers a track dedicated to mental health and addiction treatment needs for the LGBTQIA+ community. Awakenings is dedicated to the healing of trauma, addiction, self-harm behavioral issues, and other challenges faced by members of this community.
Unique Addiction and Mental Health Treatment
Our acclaimed Agoura Hills, California-based outpatient care facility provides treatment for various mental health issues. We offer an all-new program to provide unique care and treatment needs to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Having treated many LGBTQIA+ clients throughout the years, Awakenings Treatment Center had not previously devoted an entire track to the treatment of mental health and addiction to this community until the end of 2019.
“Awakenings Treatment Center has always been an affirming space for LGBTQIA+ individuals. However, we wanted to create a focused track for this underserved community and offer increased safety and connection,”
— Co-CEO Lauren Wolff, LMFT, who developed in the development of our LGBTQIA+, Gender Specific Trauma and Chronic Pain programs.
“I saw a gap there,” said Wolff, who has extensive background in treating the LGBTQIA+ community and those navigating gender issues and transition. “We are offering a resource not only here in Agoura Hills, California, but also a much-needed resource that’s truly missing for LGBTQIA+ community members nation-wide.”
A Vital Treatment Need
Wolff joined the Awakenings Treatment Center staff in January 2019 and became CO-CEO in January 2023. Her goal from the start was to create an LGBTQIA+ treatment track. She saw a vital need for this often underserved community. Throughout her 25-year career as a therapist in residential and outpatient facilities, Wolff has focused much attention on this community.
“On top of all the human challenges people face today,” she says, “support and unrelenting acceptance are critical to the healing of trauma, addiction, and self-harm behaviors.”
Wolff has seen tremendous results from Awakenings Treatment Center’s outstanding outpatient treatment program, which generally lasts three to six months. “It is possible to heal and be well,” she said. “we’re happy to provide a space for this particular population to do their work in a safe and welcoming environment.”
The Awakenings Treatment Center’s LGBTQIA+ track focuses on various treatments and topics related to sexuality and gender. The program includes processing social pressures and norms, and safety in society. Bullying, transitioning, body image, hormone therapies, sexuality, and gender expression are also covered.
“We also look at healing trauma and grief, educating family and friends, and the challenges of parenting,” Wolff says. “Mental health, self-esteem, and coping strategies, while identifying and addressing behavior patterns, such as self-medication, escapism, and isolation, are included.”
There are several staff who also have experience with the LGBTQIA+ community and its unique issues. Wolff is confident and excited about the support we can provide to the community.
For more information about the LGBTQIA+ track at Awakenings Treatment Center, contact our admissions team or call 833-892-8293.